A vocabulary review classic that can be used for any age or level. If you keep a list of the new words and phrases your students learn in class, this is a great way to revise them. Some students have a tendency to mime instead of describe, make them sit on their hands!

1. Divide the students into 2 teams and put 2 chairs at the front of the classroom. One person from each team comes to the front and sits in a chair with their back to the board. These players are not allowed to talk or turn around and look at the board.
2. Team A goes first. Write some vocabulary on the board behind the player in the hot seat. The remaining members of the team must describe and define the word or phrase until the player in the chair guesses what it is. They only have 1 minute. If they guess the word within 1 minute you write another word for them to describe. After the minute is up they win 1 point for each word that was guessed. Minus points for cheating!
3. The teams take it in turns to play until you have used up your list of vocabulary, swapping after every round so that a different player is in the hot seat. The winning team is the one with most points at the end.
4. Review any vocabulary which caused problems.