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  • Writer's pictureBoard Game Lesson Plans

The Invisible Ball

This is a game that doesn't actually teach any English, it developed organically in our kids classes as a way to get their attention and calm them down. It's magical to watch it work!

1. Start miming that you're holiding a ball. Throw it up in the air and catch it, move it between your hands. Suggest that you're looking for someone to throw it to.

2. The first few times you play you'll have to speak! Tell your students that you can only throw the invisible ball to very quiet children. Gradually all the kids will start to want the ball. Mime throwing it to a very attentive child and tell them to choose someone quiet to throw it to. Encourage them to throw it back to you occasionally.

3. Once they are all quiet and paying attention, mime putting the ball away. Each time you play it will become easier to do silently.

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