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Broken Telephone

You probably played this game as a child but have you tried using it in class? It can be a quick introduction to a topic or just a fun way to get your students warmed up.

1. Students sit or stand in a circle. Write a sentence on a piece of paper and give it to one student, tell them to read it but not to show it to anyone else. Make it something appropriate but challenging for the level of your class.

2. Ask the student to whisper it to the student to his right, he's only allowed to say it once. The next student must then whisper what he thinks he heard to the student on his right. Continue around the class until everyone has passed the message on. Don't allow any repetition, it's boring if they get it right!

3. Ask the final student to say out loud what they heard. Then ask the first student to read out the original sentence you gave him. How much did the sentence change?!

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