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Rapid Fire 3 Letter Words

This is a great filler for when you have an extra 5 minutes. It doesn't really teach any particular vocabulary or grammar point but it can be good for checking your students can pronounce all the letters of the alphabet correctly, something that even advanced students seem to struggle with sometimes.

1. Write any 3 letter word on the board and the phrase "Change the __ to a __ to make _______."

2. Students must look for a new word they can make by changing only one of the letters of the word. When they have a new word they shout out the phrase, for example: "Change the D to a C to make cog."

The idea is to go as fast as possible as a class until you have a big list of words or the word won't change any further. Students can discover new words by trying different letter combinations.

3. During the game note down any letters that the students pronounced incorrectly. After the game drill the pronunciation of the problem letters.

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