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  • Writer's pictureBoard Game Lesson Plans

Shiritori Race

Updated: May 4, 2020

Shiritori is Japanese for "taking the end", players compete to say words which ends with the last kana (letter) of the previous word. Here's one way to adapt it for the EFL classroom:

1. Divide players into small teams and draw a column for each team on the board.

2. Teams line up in front of their columns. The player in front has a board pen.

3. Draw a different word at the top of each column. When you shout "GO!" the students race to write a word underneath that begins with the last letter of the word you wrote. That player then gives the pen to the person behind them and runs to the back of the line.

4. Players continue writing words which begin with the last letter of the previous word until you shout "STOP!" Award 1 point for each word of 3-4 letter word, 2 points word with 5 letters or more and no points for 1 or 2 letter words! The winning team has the highest score when you add up all the points.

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