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  • Writer's pictureBoard Game Lesson Plans


Updated: Jun 12, 2020

This one is chaotic! To do it the fun way you'll need a small ball or beanbag. Stand back!

1. Write some words or grammar on the board that you want to test. We've used irregular verbs as an example. Draw a circle around each word and decide how many points it's worth.

2. Divide students into 2 teams. Students take turns throwing a ball or beanbag at the board. If they hit a target, they can try to use it in a sentence or give you a definition. For this particular example they have to use each verb in the past tense.

If they are correct they win the points inside the circle for their team. Cross each circle off as it is used correctly. Minus 50 points for hitting the teacher, clock etc!

3. The winning team is the one with the highest score when all the targets have been hit or at the end of a time limit. The teacher decides if a target was hit or not and their decision is final!

If you don't have a ball or your class can't be trusted with one, teams can take it in turns to choose a target.

Bonus Tip: To avoid debate about whether a target was hit or not, colour your targets in with a board pen, the ball will remove some ink from where it lands.

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Feb 20, 2020

Really great idea! My students absolutely loved this and wanted to play the game again when we finished. They really made an effort to get the answers correct. Good stuff!

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