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  • Writer's pictureBoard Game Lesson Plans

The Alphabet Challenge

Updated: May 4, 2020

Students love this vocabulary game, especially teenagers. It's really fun watching them fight over the easy letters and then struggle with the tricky ones!

alphabet efl esl vocabulary warmer warm-up game

1. Draw a grid on the board with 26 spaces (5x5+1). In each square write a letter of the alphabet. Write a topic word above the grid.

2. The students stand up around the board in a semi-circle. They must take it in turns to give a word associated with the topic word. When they give a correct word, remove the first letter of that word from the grid. E.g. if they say elephant, erase the letter E. Students may only use words beginning with the letters still on the board. If they give a word which is incorrect, where the letter has already been used or if they are not fast enough (you decide!) they must sit down.

3. The winning student is the last one standing, or the last 2 or 3 when it has become impossible to come up with more words.

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