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Vocabulary Race

Updated: Jun 12, 2020

This is a great warmer to get your class started. It's useful for reviewing vocabulary or introducing a new topic. All you need is a board, pens and some competitive students.

1. Divide students into 2 teams. Write a word at the top of the board and draw a line down the middle of the board to divide it in two.

vocabulary race efl esl warmer activity board game lesson plans

2. Give each team a board pen and ask them to stand in two lines in front of the two halves of the board. Students race to be the first to write as many words associated with the word as they can in 2 minutes. They must work in a relay so the person at the front of the line has the pen, writes a word and gives it to the student behind him or her before moving to the back of the line.

3. At the end of the 2 minutes have a look at the board. Each team wins one point for each word written. Any words that are incorrect, unreadable or misspelled are not counted. Minus points for any copying you spotted during the game!

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